Departure Yukimibashi (Bus stop:2)7:8Current
The scheduled departure time may differ from the actual time depending on driving conditions.
※Automatic update every minute.
※Automatic update every minute.
About congestion level
101for Negishi Sta.forcongestionDepart from the bus stop 2 stops before
106for Honmoku shako mae via Honmoku shako maeforcongestionDepart from the bus stop 8 stops before
101for Negishi Sta.forcongestionDepart from the bus stop 9 stops before
106for Honmoku shako mae via Honmoku shako maeforcongestionDepart from the bus stop 14 stops before
105for Honmoku shako mae via Otori chugakko maeforScheduled to depart the bus stop at 07:16
26for Honmoku TOCforScheduled to depart the bus stop at 07:16
8for Honmoku shako mae via Chobokujo maeforScheduled to depart the bus stop at 07:23
26for Kowan college maeforScheduled to depart the bus stop at 07:23
105for Honmoku shako mae via Otori chugakko maeforScheduled to depart the bus stop at 07:28
8for Honmoku shako mae via Chobokujo maeforScheduled to depart the bus stop at 07:31
26for Honmoku TOCforScheduled to depart the bus stop at 07:35
- 106for Honmoku shako mae via Honmoku shako maefor,106for Sakuragicho Sta.for,26for Umizuri sanbashifor,26for Honmoku shako maefor,106for Honmoku shako mae via Honmoku miyabarafor,106for Honmoku shako mae via Honmoku shako maefor,101for Minato-chofor,26for Yokohama port symbol towerfor,26for Honmoku port heights maefor,105for Honmoku shako mae via Otori chugakko maefor,8for Honmoku shako mae via Honmoku shimin koen maefor is no bus leaving within 30 minutes.
- Arrival time details
forDPTTimetable Estimated timeARR ARRARRTimetable Arrival predictionARR ARR※Estimated time of arrival and Destination arrival prediction are forecasts from the previous operation record etc.
※There are cases where the current traffic situation can not be predicted because of communication status etc.
About congestion level
The congestion level of the running bus is displayed.
You can sit and board.
You can board.
The inside of the vehicle is crowded.